Treatments for Sudden Weight Gain in Women Over 40

Sudden weight gain is a common side effect of menopause. As women enter their 40s and 50s there is a tendency to gain weight. While this weight gain can sometimes be attributed to lifestyle factors, it’s also often linked to hormonal changes in perimenopause. Unfortunately, this excess weight is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Here are some doctor treatments for sudden weight gain in women over 40.

Body Changes

As we age, muscle tone decreases, and metabolism slows down. This can contribute to weight gain. Decreased levels of estrogen also cause postmenopausal women to store fat around the abdomen. 

Women also experience other symptoms. For example, skin changes, hair growth or loss, and vaginal dryness. This can have a direct impact on body image and self-esteem, increased risk of depression, and sexual difficulties. This is one reason it’s important to start menopause management sooner rather than later.

Is HRT to Blame?

Contrary to popular belief, weight gain is not linked to hormone replacement therapy. In fact, some studies have shown that the use of HRT is associated with less fat gain and potential beneficial effects on muscle mass.

Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

As women age, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. This is partly due to the postmenopausal tendency to gain weight around the abdomen. Body fat stored within the abdominal wall and around internal organs is a risk factor. 

Fortunately, HRT can reduce the risks by preventing the accumulation of abdominal body fat. additionally, estrogen replacement boosts good blood cholesterol and lowers bad blood cholesterol.

Managing Sudden Weight Gain

To manage weight gain after menopause, eat a healthy diet and engage in regular aerobic exercise. Additionally, build and maintain your muscle mass through strength training or weight-bearing exercise. Finally, accept that some changes to your body are age-related. So, work towards lowering your risks with healthy lifestyle measures. 

Doctor Treatments for Sudden Weight Gain in Women Over 40

If you need help managing your menopause-related weight gain and other symptoms, please contact The Menopause Center today.
