Does Taking Hormones Give You Cancer?

While women used to suffer silently without ways to address the signs of hormonal changes before, during, and shortly after menopause, that’s no longer the case. Menopause management is possible through treatments such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other options that target your specific symptoms. If you’re interested in HRT but are concerned about the link to cancer, you’ve come to the right place. Does taking hormones give you cancer? Here’s what you need to know.

Does Taking Hormones Give You Cancer?

The truth is that there is a slight risk of breast and ovarian cancer, as well as uterine cancer in some cases. However, you can make lifestyle changes to help reduce the likelihood of developing cancer, such as quitting smoking, staying active, drinking plenty of water, and consuming a nutritious and balanced diet.

Factors that can increase your risk include the type of HRT you choose, your health, your age, and how long you undergo hormone treatment.

As with any decision you make regarding your health, you should consult a specialist for more information, so you feel empowered to make the right choice for you.

It’s important to weigh the benefits of HRT against the risks. A menopause specialist can let you know more about the safest type of hormone replacement therapy for your particular needs if you wish to pursue this treatment after you learn more.

For HRT to Alleviate Hot Flashes, Mood Changes, and Other Menopause Symptoms, Here’s What to Do Next

Call The Menopause Center today at 703-991-6806, where Dr. Melinda Hall and other experts in “the change” offer relief from the symptoms that are diminishing your quality of life. We will patiently and thoroughly answer all of your questions, including “Does taking hormones give you cancer,” and let you know whether you’re at an increased risk.

If you decide HRT is not worth the risk for you, there are other treatment options. So, you don’t needlessly suffer for months or years during this transitional time!
