Are Hormone Pellets Bad for You?

As you’re aging, you’re likely noticing some signs of hormonal imbalance. If you’re looking at hormone replacement therapy, you’ve probably heard of pellet therapy and wondered if it really works. Therefore, we wanted to address whether hormone pellets are bad for you. 

First, Let’s Take a Look at What They Actually Are.

Hormone pellets are a method of hormone replacement therapy. A small incision is made, and then a pellet is inserted. Your body naturally metabolizes the hormones in the pellet to restore hormonal balance. Our hormone pellets are bio-identical, meaning they have the same molecular structure as the hormones your body naturally produces.

Okay, What’s the Scoop – Are Hormone Pellets Bad for You?

Hormone pellets have been used for over 80 years and are completely safe. Each pellet is naturally used by the body at its own pace to help your body establish balance. Hormone pellet therapy has many benefits, including increased sex drive, reduced body fat storage, and improved energy, among many other symptoms of imbalance.

Am I a Good Candidate for Hormone Pellets?

Young women and menopausal women are the best candidates for pellet therapy. Young women tend to naturally produce less testosterone, and the use of birth control can make that worse. Additionally, in menopausal women, estrogen, and progesterone may be added to the pellet to help get you back to an overall balance.

Ready to Find Out If Hormone Pellet Therapy Is Right for You?

Now that you know hormone pellet therapy is safe, it’s time to call hormone specialist, Dr. Melinda Hall. Contact us today at 703-991-6806 to schedule your consultation to learn more about breaking free from the bonds of hormonal imbalance!
