5 Reasons Why You Need A Hormone Specialist

Hormone changes over the course of your life are perfectly normal. But, dealing with those changes can be very difficult. However, if you have a hormone specialist to help, then you can navigate those changes with ease. Here are some reasons you need a hormone specialist in Virginia.


1. Fertility Concerns

Infertility can be scary if you are hoping to have a child. Luckily, a hormone specialist can go a long way towards helping you determine the cause of your infertility. If the cause ends up being related to hormones, your specialist can help you with treatments.

2. Menopause

Menopause is a perfectly normal occurrence in a woman’s life. But, that does not mean that you can not have the best menopause experience possible. A specialist can easily help you manage your symptoms.

3. Thyroid Issues

If this gland is secreting too much or too little of certain thyroid hormones, this can lead to larger health issues. Treatment for thyroid issues can be simple, but it is important to get this treatment as soon as possible. 

4. Diabetes

Diabetes can lead to more severe health concerns, so it is very important to get it managed as soon as possible. Talk to a hormone specialist for help with the management of your concerns. 

5. Changes in Hair Growth

If you have started growing excessive amounts of hair or hair in new parts of your body, this may be the result of a hormonal imbalance. A good hormone specialist should be able to help you.

If You Need a Hormone Specialist in Virginia, Come to The Menopause Center

At The Menopause Center, specialist Dr. Melinda Hall is extremely skilled with a number of hormone-related issues. No matter the life stage that you are in, we are here to make your life easier and more comfortable. 

Give us a call at 703-991-6806 to make your appointment today, and be on the road to feminine wellness before, during, and after menopause!

